Sunday, June 28, 2009

My crazy cousin's self-invented alien hand sign , according to him this hand sign is a peace sign with aliens...CRAZY...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Company Run 2

Today went company run,part A got 6 ppl come and part B only got 2 ppl... Lots of ppl skip without valid reason... lucky SGT nvm pump us for the missing ppl. Today's run was quite different it was OTOT(own time own target)ran with roger and clarence. After the 1.5 km mark roger reported sck and that left me with clarence. We ran like 3.0km mark before i lagged behind. So clarence went ahead and left me to run the remaining 1.3 km. Its quite okay without the stitch i am getting. Mananged to finsih the run without walking. Got a timing of **:**(won't tell you timing... hahaha happy guessing)cooled down. Felt a great sense of accomplishment, as this is my first time running 4.3km without stopping to walk or rest. I hope every company run will be OTOT which is kinda not possible so just contiue hoping......

Curosity kills the cat,DON'T CLICK IT (although there won't be any virus)