Thursday, July 23, 2009


back with the dots theme......
getting even more stressed.... thought no more very critizing teacher...
Now art teacher even worser...
Mrs G is not teaching us anymore... that is a very sad thing...
She is a really good and engaging teacher...
Okay i admit that musice tacher is still not that bad...
but a bit loony? new teacher i guess...
science teacher changed to Mr Koh( our ex-PE teacher)...
At least still a bit better thatn mono-toned mr Ngan...
Homework piling up...
Star Wars still rocks for me...
Swimming no kick, went with my cousins to end up pwning them in pulling...
Matthew got motivated by my idea of pandan cake(our secret... won't tell you)
He got a drive but i don't
Just another boring day, flippers won't fit... headache...
getting quite saddistic... lost my sense of humor...
Mark just take me for granted...I want this... I want that....gets kinda of annoying...
Still prefer Matthew...another great Star Wars fan...

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