Monday, April 6, 2009

Lieutenant's diary

I like to be straightforward and what some people call "brutally honest" . Let's be "honest" . I dislike Eloy . Guajiro scum . Predge of the lowly . Eloy portrays an image of uncertainity and arrogance . Today , at last , Eloy lies dead , body infested with the scavenging swarms of insects . That little scum of a betrayer . He got his just deserts , helping those rebels , fighting for a lost cause . Dumb .

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eloy's diary entry 3

My mind felt overclocked with being torn between two causes. Am I fighting for a righteous faction ? I feel as if I was standing on the border between two sides locked in a ravaging war . My muscles untensed and my breathing became shallower. It was the only thing I could hear in my heartless night . I was anticipating gunfire to erupt into fiery chaos anytime now. It did not come . I thought of the severely wounded rebel , hapless and unarmed. His dark etes held the doused flame of the hopelessness and I was troubled. When I had the chance , should I joined the rebellion? But my familial ties with my dear Eulalia and my beloved child would be severed innocently . Would they be influenced by my betrayal sato the army ? I knew the answer ... ... I knew the drums of war was still thundering and I had a choice to choose my destiny . I had never been a decisive man and was at a loss . Dairy , I have lost my bearings , please help me ... ...

Eloy's diary entry 2

The lieutenant of an army is supposed to be a great role model to his lesser ranking troops.On the contrary,I do not think so highly of him.His battle-hardened physical appearance might appeal to most but I,on the other hand,look into his heart. He was a violet and merciless person , I could see the excitement he possess when he kills-no , slaughters - the rebel soldiers. He might lack in charisma but makes up in his no-nonsense voice. I felt that he dislikes me ... ... I could melt under his sweltering gaze ... ... Maybe his characteristic helps him to keep us privates in line , but his fierce loyalty to his country is really admirable although he was working for a wrong faction.

Curosity kills the cat,DON'T CLICK IT (although there won't be any virus)