Sunday, October 18, 2009

Some Pics again....

Man Down! Who did it??? Wonder if he is ok...Well not to worry of course he is ok...( Only my cousin sunbathing in his clothes)

Something must be lurking down there,another Loch Ness Monster? ( Just my cousin underneath looking for his phone he dropped down in the sea of balls)

Latern Head(fits for Halloween)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Part A BBQ part 2

Started Cooking the food we brought over...then the others went playing Duel Masters while some of my platoon mates were in-charged of the cooking. Cooked for like an hour then it started getting dark. SGT don't know go where 'Emo'...Later Me and See Wei found them on a rock near the sea , took a pic and left. Putting out the fire was also very fun. We threw a bucket of dirty melted ice water over the BBQ pit to extinguish the fire...Everybody had lots of fun at that moment before having to clean up the stick tar-like charcoal from the pit. After that SGT came back after 'Emoing' then told us to give them an empty drink bottle and told us to write on a piece of paper our wishes...then we stuffed the bottle with the paper and sand so that it would sink...Then SGT Yuan Shen was quite irritated by the fact that sand is dirtying his watch ( Might go Emo over the watch). Then we let Yu Fei ( the birthday boy open the bottle of sparkling fruit juice as Keane flung the bottle, as far as he could, into the sea. Then we all drank out of the bottle ( platoon spirit?)
Yu Fei(Flying Fish) ran around as some of us wanted to make fun of the birthday boy (or fish???). Then I think Nigel started it first by spraying FnN at SGT Yuan Shen, that ignited the savage 'fighting' instinct as Sgt sprayed back...All of a sudden everybody was grabiing a bottle of sugared drink and spraying at each other. Everyone got drenched while weavng and dodging each other's 'attacks'. Some of us grabbed some ice and put them down the back of platoon mates and SGT! Danger when messing with SGT? Ended up SGt Kai Xiang put ice in SGT Yuan Shen's Shirt and *coughs* underwear. Fun BBQ... Fight ended and we got briefed for our waater ambassdor course the next day. After briefing, some of us went back home while others went playing bowling ( I didn't go so don't ask me for details), Justin kicked the bowling ball and hurt his foot...Guess my platoon mates were awing over SGT Yuan Shen 'straight ball' during bowling. The End for the BBQ...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PART A BBQ part 1

On Wednesday 9 September 2009...
The inaugural( first of many...i hope so...)Part A,09 BBQ was held at East Coast Park...
When Me and Zhi Wei reached there, our platoon mates were already cycling...playing cards...while me and Zhi Wei carried 15 1.5 litres bottles of drinks to the pit ( Area D, Pit 34). Rested there until 5.30pm... then we decided to start the fire...SGT Yuan Shen and Kai Xiang arrived shortly after we found the charcoal under lots and lots of bags and food containers...quite unorganised...Used the soft drinks bootles to block the wind and we had a shortage of firelighters...Crisis mangament...SGT went on bikes to buy more firelighters while we got a weak fire burning twigs and wooden skewers...Also used an umbrella to block the wind...Yu Fei(owner of the umbrella{birthday boy})was a bit...*don't know how to describe* Later, we got a fire started... quite strong I must say...(all thanks to me and SGT...JK)Accidentally warmed the lemon tea... tasted a little funny...Continued to keep fire going while others waxed the grille with butter...the people fanning were like arguing who is more 仔 was saying he is the sexist man on Earth...( not proven yet)... Had a prye of charcoal with fire licking away at them, turning them white bit by bit...We put the grille up and got ready to cook. Continued in PART 2...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Lekuasimi means see what see (sry crude description)

Wash your body, wash your hands too

.....................................................................................Ask me if you want any another mrbrownshow podcast...

On the way...

WOW fine is $0, I can afford to break this

'Fingers' that will never reach the jetstream...(the fingers are tree branches if you don't know)

Hungry fella?
...just some nice pictures...

Star wars quiz...

Pls post answers as comments instead of typing in the cbox...
Try to get it all correct...
What does Vode An means?
What did Delta 62 do to earn his Nickname(Scorch)?
Who trained Delta 38?
What does 'Boss' specialises in?
What is Cody's regiment?
What is the 5th form of lightsaber combat(just give me 1 will do)?
Who is not applicable to do force lighting?(You can choose more than 1)
a)Darth Vader
b)Darth Maul
c)General Grievous
d)Darth Sidious
e)Boba Fett
What does EMP stands for( EMP grenade)?
Good Luck to all who are attempting this quiz...(Except Matthew & possibly guys know where to get this type of information and Matthew you know too much...)For better get it all correct...For Mark... 1 or 2 mistakes are fine...For Jun Yi.... try to get 6 correct{meet my critieria and i teach you a magic trick}apply's to my cousins only)

Friday, August 7, 2009

NCC trainfire...

On Wednesday, my platoon went to HQ for trainfire with an M16 rifle...... WE reached there, marched half-way before running ( raining heavily!). Then we went to a room with 12 M16 rifles, were an cadet officer taught us how to strip and assemble the rifle... it was quite confusing at first but i soon got the hang of it... The rifle can be broken into a seven shape, with just a push of a pin... inside one can take out the charge handle and a bolt carrier... which contains a retaining pin,firing pin, bolt camppin ( i think this is the spelling?)and the bolt. We had a competition to see who can strip and assemble the weapon in 1 minute... i did it like in 50 seconds...Could have been first but forgot to switch to safe so end up i got 2nd... I find this trainfire very enriching and unforgettable... i know how to strip and assemble a rifle!... Hope to get another chance to strip and asemble a rifle...maybe in Part B or C or NS...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


back with the dots theme......
getting even more stressed.... thought no more very critizing teacher...
Now art teacher even worser...
Mrs G is not teaching us anymore... that is a very sad thing...
She is a really good and engaging teacher...
Okay i admit that musice tacher is still not that bad...
but a bit loony? new teacher i guess...
science teacher changed to Mr Koh( our ex-PE teacher)...
At least still a bit better thatn mono-toned mr Ngan...
Homework piling up...
Star Wars still rocks for me...
Swimming no kick, went with my cousins to end up pwning them in pulling...
Matthew got motivated by my idea of pandan cake(our secret... won't tell you)
He got a drive but i don't
Just another boring day, flippers won't fit... headache...
getting quite saddistic... lost my sense of humor...
Mark just take me for granted...I want this... I want that....gets kinda of annoying...
Still prefer Matthew...another great Star Wars fan...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My crazy cousin's self-invented alien hand sign , according to him this hand sign is a peace sign with aliens...CRAZY...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Company Run 2

Today went company run,part A got 6 ppl come and part B only got 2 ppl... Lots of ppl skip without valid reason... lucky SGT nvm pump us for the missing ppl. Today's run was quite different it was OTOT(own time own target)ran with roger and clarence. After the 1.5 km mark roger reported sck and that left me with clarence. We ran like 3.0km mark before i lagged behind. So clarence went ahead and left me to run the remaining 1.3 km. Its quite okay without the stitch i am getting. Mananged to finsih the run without walking. Got a timing of **:**(won't tell you timing... hahaha happy guessing)cooled down. Felt a great sense of accomplishment, as this is my first time running 4.3km without stopping to walk or rest. I hope every company run will be OTOT which is kinda not possible so just contiue hoping......

Friday, May 22, 2009

Aftermath to...

Managed to survive training... today have intensive PT... the whole thing was about platoon bonding then pumped in grass,sand ran here and there.Plus the rifle was tedious to pump.Well,most of us got very pissed by our SGT's orders,one shout knock it down,the other shout recover....We got so confused.We learnt...we can defy orders for platoon mates at the right time(but will aslo get pumped..ZZZ)Got so much sand in my hair and evenmore on beret.Did punishment, some reported sick.Most of us endured then finished the training.Afterthat we had interaction then they aked that question again "who thinks that SGT and SGT MAJOR is very scary and very....." Hope next training will not be that exhausting and get shouted at...i

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Did not know what to put as blog title.Feel so stressed and exhausted. Still got to face that SGT MAJOR again tomorrow. Lol, so tired so i don't want to be formal.Thinking just about tomorrow gives me headache.Saturday still have to face the cheering and activities....
so stressed......
Don't even know what i am doing...zzz
Results are a bit under my expectations...
Want to pwn(skip) Ncc but don't dare
Don't even know what the SGT will do with us...
hope got someone emo so SGT will speak nicely
doubt that will like happen
going so crazy...contrasting thoughts
Classmates pissing me off
Adding to my anger
Just can't tolerate anymore(tolerated 9 weeks)

Company Run

Part A's life might get very miserable as tasted at the company run. First we got pumped 30,then we had to run 4.3km while cheering along with the part B. We did not know the words to the cheer thus could not cheer along with them.Then, we got shouted at for nt cheering.i was kinda very pissed as the words were unclearly cheered and we did not even know the words.Later Part A split up with the other parts as the new sgt major wanted us to run back to get other platoon mate whch reported sick ( had to finish the run as a part...),so we ran back a few hundred metres and ran with him. Suddenly we got knock it down(pump as punishment order),after that punsihment,they talked to us(nicely,maybe only cuz some of us emo and cried), when wiping my sweat i smelled blood. I found out that my hand was bleeding(cut myself on the rough ground when pumping),then report sick, go wash wound,after that ran finish 4.3km.Did some PT(physical Training)before our SGTs talked to us.They asked us whether our new SGT Major was a bastard or asshole.Feeling pissed,some of us bravely rose our hands. That guy really was saddistic.I really miss the ex-SGT Major. Tomorrow, that SGT Major will make us 'die'. 'Tomorrow will be our death date'as most of my platoon mates said......[got IPT(intensive physical training)]

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lieutenant's diary

I like to be straightforward and what some people call "brutally honest" . Let's be "honest" . I dislike Eloy . Guajiro scum . Predge of the lowly . Eloy portrays an image of uncertainity and arrogance . Today , at last , Eloy lies dead , body infested with the scavenging swarms of insects . That little scum of a betrayer . He got his just deserts , helping those rebels , fighting for a lost cause . Dumb .

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eloy's diary entry 3

My mind felt overclocked with being torn between two causes. Am I fighting for a righteous faction ? I feel as if I was standing on the border between two sides locked in a ravaging war . My muscles untensed and my breathing became shallower. It was the only thing I could hear in my heartless night . I was anticipating gunfire to erupt into fiery chaos anytime now. It did not come . I thought of the severely wounded rebel , hapless and unarmed. His dark etes held the doused flame of the hopelessness and I was troubled. When I had the chance , should I joined the rebellion? But my familial ties with my dear Eulalia and my beloved child would be severed innocently . Would they be influenced by my betrayal sato the army ? I knew the answer ... ... I knew the drums of war was still thundering and I had a choice to choose my destiny . I had never been a decisive man and was at a loss . Dairy , I have lost my bearings , please help me ... ...

Eloy's diary entry 2

The lieutenant of an army is supposed to be a great role model to his lesser ranking troops.On the contrary,I do not think so highly of him.His battle-hardened physical appearance might appeal to most but I,on the other hand,look into his heart. He was a violet and merciless person , I could see the excitement he possess when he kills-no , slaughters - the rebel soldiers. He might lack in charisma but makes up in his no-nonsense voice. I felt that he dislikes me ... ... I could melt under his sweltering gaze ... ... Maybe his characteristic helps him to keep us privates in line , but his fierce loyalty to his country is really admirable although he was working for a wrong faction.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Eloy's diary entry 1

I felt so lost, there are a thousand different emotions swirling around my head . Today i had to carry out an eviction order . We rode for six hours , reaching Rio Chiquito . I saw the family at the door of their miserably tattered hut . Covered in rags , they stared back at the lieutenant with their lifeless eyes , pale and silent lips quivering . They loaded their belogings , straining their arms which protested in pain to carry their shabby iron beds , table and wardrobe . I was troubled by the thought of the same thing happening to my family . After escorting the family to a boundary of coconut palms , i was ordered to burn their hut . If the family was watching from the coconut palms , i think they will feel angyry at the same time sad , to see their home get burnt. The structure that has been sheltering them from rain , preventing the sun from baking them. The humble hut that , despite its shabbiness , was home . My mind instinctively drift to my family . I had a stab of fear .

Monday, March 16, 2009

Part A camp

Part A camp,another NCC camp, was held in my school. this is a training camp not like the Camp FEAST which is a fun camp.When I arrived there, we had bag inspection ,after that we had a physical training session. the training was tough, harsh and we got punished for not maiking the time limit.We were rewarded a 10-20 seconds break when we manage to complete the task given.after the physical training session,we had lunch and had to clean the canteen tables we used after using them.Then, we had campcraft which teaches us useful skills. I learnt the factors of camoflouge, and also learnt how to do Rush,high alert,low alert,lepord crawl, baby crawl.I lernt to find the range between me and another object.Later we had dinner and had to clean our bunks(classrooms)we had to do a lot of push-ups as punishment as our bunks was not clean enough(I think we were given too little time to clean). Later I slipped and fell down a few steps of stairs while trying to complete a task.I hurt my back when it hit the stairs and hurt my knee my I landed. I spent the night in the sick bay and in the moring after having breakfast, we hiked to changi village.The hike was exciting and fun.Soon, we reached Changi village,(which was 10.3km away from my school)we took 2 hours to reach ther and took a bus back which took only 20 minutes. We had a proper breakfast beforing cleaning our bunks in our free time. Later, we had a lecture about NCC and broke camp.The camp left me exhausted,my limbs aching and I feel a bit angry at the seniors when I think of the camp again. Anyway i passed the camp and got a certificate.This camp was just the first training camp, and there is more to come (gives me goosebumps when i think about it). I hope the another camps can be more reasonable and less tough.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Camp FEAST is a NCC sec 1 camp. when we arrived there, we were excited about the activities they had planned for our 2D1N camp. We get to do flyng fox, paintball, archery and rock climbing. On the first day we did archery first. We had to move the bullseye onto the field in prepartion for shoooting.Each of us oly gets five arrows. Sadly I only shot 4 arrows as the lost arrow was damaged by the person who used it before me.Later, we went to the paintball station. We were instructed to stand behind a oil drum and use the gun to shoot the targets.There are nine targets about 4 meteres infront of you and 3 water bottles about 6 meters infront of you.If you are able to hit the water bottle,you are considerd a marksmen.(there is no ai assist or scope)I managed to hit one bottle,Hooray for me!!!!We did the flying fox too. after putting on the harness, we clinbed up the tower. On top, there were two lines. i Got a birds eye view up there. Many screamed their heads off when they zoomed down. Soon, my turn came,my harness was clipped to the line. The guy beside me wnet down screaming Vag*na.which was quite weird and funny. as went down, i could feel the wind in my ears.(i did not scream)the rest of the camp was fun but some parts were uneventful. Soon it was the next day and we had to go back home.Camp FEAST made us very exhausted but i felt that the camp was very meaningful and fun.(FEAST stands for Fun,Experincing,Adventurous,Sociable,Teamwork)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Secondary one life

Secondary One life is fun and may be a bit hard to cope with.As it is a big jump from the four subjects in primary school to six, seven subjects in secondary school.The school hours are longer but secondary school have a bright side.You have more freedom than in primary school.But with more freedom comes more responsiblilty.Example:you have to go to different classes b yourself but you must be on time or else... Secondary One life is generally great,although it is a totally different enviroment,you will learn to make new friends.We also crack jokes during recess making the whole day more enjoyable.the subjects might be hard to understand at first but once you master it, you will able to use it easily.There will bemore CCA choices.CCA is a very important part of secondary life.AFter four weeks in secondary school,I beging the enjoy the life there althought the homework can be quite tough sometimes.But fear not,if you think hard enought and pay attension in class,you will be able to keep it.Secondary school rocks!!!

Curosity kills the cat,DON'T CLICK IT (although there won't be any virus)